The radio flashes in the water, even when the power is off! In fact, compared to the previous floating radio, the . Icom pioneered the floating VHF marine radio, and others followed. Inclusief antenne,accu,lader en handboek.
Icom is pionier in het maken van drijvende handheld marifoons. IC – M- Icom IC – MReplacement Spare Parts.
If you drop the ICMinto water, the radio comes up to the surface. O rádio pisca na água, mesmo se desligado! E para um rádio flutuante, ele . Hvis ulykken er sket, og radioen havner i . TRANSCEIVER, at the time of publication. CE” symbol on the serial number label, comply with the essential requirements of the European. Marine_IC-MInstruction manual.
Accommodates all battery sizes.
Attach onto a ProClip Mounting Platform. Om ulykken skulle oppstå og radioen havner i vannet flyter og blinker den, noe . Changes to the bylaw have . First thing you notice is how light the Mis, secondly they have done away with the old battery charging. Luz LED interna de color rojo brillante, se activa automáticamente. La IC MVHF emisora portatil marina es una de las más pequeñas y ligeras del mundo.