Feb I cut the bad section out and have joined the two ends with a new bit of 6mm cable and some 30A rated chock block and 30A rated terminal . Connecting SWA to Twin and Earth cable ? Jun Joining te to swa in weatherproof box Sep Extending 10mm shower cable in the loft ? The 6mm wire runs like a backbone for lights then the 4mm runs to the. Feb To retain the integrity of the ring the cables will need to be joined – is there a preferred method for joining the cables ? Hi all Just want to know if I can extend 6mm cooker cable , do I need a 45.
Oct The switch is fed by a 6mm cable which runs from the consumer unit ,through the ceiling. Junction box and something to join the cable with. Needed to join two sets of 6mm cable into one 6mm cable.
Cable Joining from Voltex, Australian supplier of electrical accessories, LED Lighting, Solar. W electric shower which is connected via 6mm cable all the way to consumer . Dec Are you trying to join onto an existing 6mm cable with a 10mm cable ? To my min you would be best off renewing the entire supply to the . Blue Fox if Joining the cable in the ceiling or the floor is .