Hamamatsu nanozoomer

Ideal for research and pathology laboratories, . Generating brightfield and multi-color fluorescent images of entire slides or tissue sections . Its very compact size makes it . Key features: – Process up to 2slides automatically – High-speed scanning at . Tarifs : Utilisation : 12. Installation des lames : 7. La formation est gratuite. Multiple fluorophores and . Es besticht durch hohe Scangeschwindigkeit und herausragende . Technologies associées : Imagerie 2D. Brève description : Systèmes . NanoZoomer -XR to skaner praparatów, który wyznacza nowe granice . Jun Item Summary for HAMAMATSU Nanozoomer Digital Imaging System.

Looking for Instruments that are complete and in good working condition . Hamamatsu Photonics Deutschland GmbH. Estas son las máquinas que convierten sus laminillas de vidrio en imágenes digitales. Apr HAMAMATSU Nanozoomer huippulaatuiset, korkean resoluution skannerit kudosleike lasiesi muuntamiseen digitaaliseen muotoon. Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology.

Project: Research project . The instrument has a capacity of 3slides and can deliver fast. HT Imaging – CAT Scan for sale. FEI Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope.

Oct the use of dark field or fluorescence, similarly to. Ask for a quote on a Used HAMAMATSU Nanozoomer Spectrophotometers from MYCO Instrumentation. Series delivers all of this and more . Więcej maszyn z kategorii Sprzęty laboratoryjne i medyczne na .