Microwave cardboard shield

Inside the oven cavity, usually on the right hand side or in the roof you will usually see a small cover that looks like it is made of cardboard. A microwave oven can be a helpful appliance in the kitchen until it breaks. The thin sheet will look like plastic or a thin piece of cardboard.

At one time, the four corners of the . You can almost certainly get a replacement part.

The cardboard (mica) covers the waveguide system that feeds . Ask your cardboard shield microwave oven questions. Microwave Ovens cardboard shield questions and. K We show how to remove and replace the.

Please leave the cover inside the microwave and do not use the product without it. The square cardboard inside my microwave is disintegrating (feed guide), . Is it some kind of heat shield or what?

You definitely have to keep the shiny cardboard in your microwave. Factory exact replacement microwave oven waveguide covers. Metal containers should not be used for microwaving – the microwaves are reflected. Paper, plastic, baskets, wood and cardboard should be used for shortterm . The packages include a tray and an overwrapped paperboard carton having a microwave shield and having a plurality of windows in the sleeve. Question, where is this splatter shield ? I have noted a hard cardboard cover inside the microwave on the right hand side.

Is this the splatter guard or should I . Pull the carton up and off the oven. Everything you need to know about microwave cooking, with expert. No wet paper or cardboard should go in the bin and you should empty all cans and. Worldwide and Next Day UK delivery.

If you are very careful, you could use flat sheets of foil to shield. The microwaves cook all the way around the food at once, which is why the . The implementation is quite simple and consists of a cardboard wrapped with several layers of glued .

I tried to clean the microwave waveguide cover but it broke, so I`m wondering. No its inside the microwave oven, its a little cardboard square. Shield food with narrow strips of aluminum foil.

DO NOT REMOVE THE CARDBOARD OVEN AIR. Spatter shield wave guide cover-Protects the microwave. The purpose of the waveguide is to cover the aperture through which microwaves enter the oven cavity, helping stop moisture and food particles getting into the .