Shop with confidence on eBay! If your leader is much heavier than your line, even a 40-percent crimp may be. Several years later, I spent a number of hours in a commercial- fishing supply . Perfect for customising your own rigs for the best catch.
This is a fishing tutorial video that shows how to crimp both cable and. This video is about how to easily and correctly crimp fishing line leader material for a perfect hold every time.
In this fishing tip video, Josh goes over basic and advanced crimping techniques that will improve your. Fishing crimps of various sizes including copper and double copper crimps, alloy crimps, crimping pliers, crimping kits and bulk crimps. American Fishing Wire Single Barrel Crimp Sleeves, Black Color, Size 0. Inch Inside Diameter, 100-Pieces : Fishing Leader Rigging . Jinkai line and Jinkai crimps for all of their big game fishing needs.
A professional crimping job decides whether you and the crew celebrate an incredible catch or partake in a long, depressing ride back to the . Using crimps on heavy leader is a quick way to make a secure connection for offshore fishing. Scott Goodwin offers a tried and true . Continue reading