Irish microchip database

Irish Kennel Club Pet Data. IKC-PetData is the largest pet microchip database in Ireland. Over million owners trust Petlog to help reunite them with their lost pets.

If your pet goes missing, microchipping gives you the best chance of finding them. Please note that rates charged for Lo-call numbers may vary among different service .

Minister Coveney said “The dog microchipping programme has been. Your dog will need to be microchipped and registered with a government approved database (see below). Identibase is a national database containing the details of microchipped pets and. Enter your microchip number to check which UK database holds your details. The ISPCA will be holding a number of free microchipping events at various.

A database or something that I can put the number in? European Pet Network Database , .

I am a microchip implanter. Microchip Central is a DEFRA compliant pet microchip database. Most veterinary practices in Ireland offer microchipping and many animal. Regulations to have a microchip. The main databases in Ireland are Fido, Animark and Pettrace.

Register your pet microchip now. Buddy ID is identity protection for your pet. Manage owner info, launch a SearchAlert, take control of your pets safety. This passport will be linked to the horse by the implanted microchip. This information can be accessed at any time by . When you register with an authorised database , this number will be recorde.

Dogs with a microchip can be scanned for a microchip by a vet or a pound for example. They can then enter the microchip number in an online database to find. Northern Ireland must be microchipped at eight. Microchipping databases issue an ownership certificate which . The microchip contains a digit number which is then registered on a.

Check to see if the animal already has a transponder ( microchip ) implanted:. This law states that you must microchip your dog and have it registered with a government approved database ASAP. To sell a dog you must produce a . If someone finds your pet and makes the effort to take it to the vet to be scanne the vet has to then locate the correct database the microchip is registered on.

If your dog, cat or ferret has a current rabies vaccination but no microchip , it will. Could your pet be re-united with you if it strayed? Is your pet microchipped and are your details up to date on Chipworks?