Kt66 tubes

KTis the designator for a beam tetrode vacuum tube introduced by Marconi- Osram Valve Co. The KTis the direct descendant . Check out reviews of our popular audio tubes. When Jim Marshall released his JTMand Blues Breaker tube guitar amplifiers there was nothing else quite like them.

After a few revisions, one.

Find great deals on eBay for GEC KTin Vintage Tubes and Tubes Sockets. The Legendary Old-School Tone! KTtubes for Zeppelin and Hard Rock?

KThas been used in high end audio amps in Europe, . Who makes the best KTpower tubes ? Groove Tubes Super Premium Cryo valves are specially burst tested by us. In stock ready to ship today. Gold Lion KT- Russian re-issue of the legendary Genalex.

These tubes are some of the sexiest. A real KTis a kinkless tetrode. Octal power tube (Max Plate Watts = 25W). FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. A new edition of the old American brand.

The new Tung-Sol tube is the latest model from Russian manufacturing combined with the dignity of the oldest . Exact copy of the original clear glass KT66. The tube that created The Bluesbreaker Tone. KTis a beam power pentode with an octal base and power of 25W. JJ Electronic – Vacuum tubes , Capacitors, Amplifiers. It has a powerful sound with a lot . KT6 Chinese Shuguang Premium.

Please note: We do not match tubes. TAD KTCryo and Matched Power Tube Quad (4) TAD KTdelivers old- school tone out of the box. The Shuguang KTis functional art. The specs on this tube are very similar to the 25-watt originals.

Kruse Kontrol Amplification.

Get the guaranteed best price on Power Tubes like the Tung-Sol KTMatched Power Tubes at Musician’s Friend. This tube is THE REAL THING. Get a low price and free shipping on . Welcome to Blue Mountain MusicCome to the Mountain and get off the beaten path for a while! Here is a Vintage Pair of Genalex KTmade in England date .