Nevada ham radio

Nevada amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. Several clubs do not have current contact information and are missing from this list. Our club callsign is W7HEN (HEN=Henderson).

Individual amateur ham radio operators pursue the avocation for personal. Ham Radio repeaters in the Black Rock Desert area:. N7ARR C Vegas Valley Coverage –.

Explore recreational diversions and leisure activities with this . NARRI) is to promote the development of amateur radio repeaters under the provisions of 47CFR Part . Amateur Radio Club NCARC, Grass Valley, Ca. All ham radio amateurs are invited as well as . Below is a list of amateur radio clubs we are aware of in the greater San Francisco Bay Area, Northern California and Northwestern Nevada. Why do we have another radio format like DMR available?

HAM radio is an important aid to hikers, hunters, off-roaders, and people who work in the backcountry. First responders are encouraged to take .

Elko County, Elko Nevada USA. Both counties now have their own amateur radio clubs and ARES groups. Annual fee is waived if operator . Sierra Intermountain Emergency Radio Association wants to help you enter the exciting world of ham radio and emergency communications.

Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference Data for Nevada. The State of Nevada has once again publicly recognized the value of her amateur radio operators in the form of a Governors Proclamation . By: Henry Rogers – Western Historic . Article: Nevada Hams Coordinate Roadside Medical Rescue: – On. Web site dedicated to ham radio ( amateur radio ). Dana Bubp grinne shook hands and posed with a photo of prominent ham radio author and instructor Gordon West at the three-day American . For all the newly licensed amateur radio operators out there, Congratulations!

The full service computer and amateur radio store. We are very excited to announce the. Free delivery and returns on eligible orders. We buy and sell used ham radio equipment, as well as stereo gear, tubes, components, and more!

Five Local amateur radio operators, commonly referred to as hams,. Pahrump Valley and other areas in Nevada , as listed on the ARRL website.

Serving Ames, Nevada , and all of Story County Iowa. Las Vegas, Pahrump, North. Des Moines Makerspace organization and its amateur radio special interest group.