Free Shipping on eligible items. Save on everyday low prices. LeRoy Goertz inventor of the coiling gimzo, econo winder, econo deluxe, professional deluxe, presents his abilities as an artist, sculptor, composer, beadmaker.
See more ideas about Jewellery making, Craft jewelry and Jewlery. Create coiled beads and jewelry simply by cranking wire around the rod to form a coil spring.
The booklet includes sections . Use craft wire to create amazing coiled beads. Complete instructions with great design ideas. Kit includes cranking rods, bracket . Coiling Gizmo Technique page from Making Jewellery Magazine. Design and create your own wire jewelry, scupltures, key chains or decorative home accents with this easy-to-use wire coiling gizmo. Shop and save Default online for less at Walmart.
With the coiling gizmo you can make beautiful beads using our Crea Metal wires line.
The following video will show you how to make a coil , and then make a . STEP A: Cut a length of 20gauge wire. Put about of that wire into the chuck and tighten it. The Gizmo can be used with all gauges of wire. Simply crank wire around the rod to make a coil spring.