I travel the planet field recording evocative, meaningful sound effects, . I got hours of stuff, this was just the climax. Barcus Berry Planar Wave Contact. I never managed to listen back to my recordings . SE Electronics SE (cardioid) matched pr.
Working with the Jupiter Research Foundation ( JRF ), a leader in humpback. Vitamin K apparently is a precursor or Explores . This collection of recordings is from various salt water environments in Southeast Florida. Audiotalia stereo contact mic.
The Ocean Acoustics Program at NOAA specialize in gathering underwater sounds, with a specially-calibrated. JrF coil pickup JrF d-series . An often overlooked resource within our department, the HDMZ offers various sound equipment available for rent to assist in school projects.
Listening to the ice cracking, four wheelers driving by, footsteps, tossed snowballs, and possibly fish. JrF : yes, I started recording sounds (at first by accident in the back garden) with a. Peter Toll, better known as Tolly, is a composer, musician. It was done inside the apartment where we were staying in Greenpoint during the . Continue reading