The SWR meter or VSWR (voltage standing wave ratio) meter measures the standing wave ratio in a transmission line. The meter can be used to indicate the. This meter has three separate windows for easy readability of SWR , RF power and modulation scales. Dec The next step is to hook up the SWR meter.
First, disconnect the coaxial cable from the back of the radio.
Reconnect this end of the cable, which . As in most matters involving the technical side of antennas, SWR can be. Accessories Unlimite Accessories Unlimited. When you place an SWR meter between the radio and the antenna it cannot . Most modern radios, including your FT-450 have a . Procedure: The SWR meter needs to be placed in line between the antenna and the CB. Connect the antenna (normally connected to the back of the CB ) to the .
Amateur radio, ham radio, cb, marine band and electoinc components. We have various SWR power meters that detect forwar reflected and VSWR power. Homemade standing wave ratio meter. These newer swr meters , Fig below, are different from the older style, Fig below, in that there are needles that give the swr reading indication when they.