Party amp is a small speaker that creates a very big sound. Project bright lights onto your walls and ceilings to create the perfect party atmosphere by turning on. Disco Ball Party Lights Speaker,LVL Strobe Club lights Effect Magic Mini Led . Get the party started with your perfect pink Party Amp.
Buy Party Amp – Pink from our Other Occasions range at Tesco direct.
We stock a great range of products at everyday prices. Clubcard points on every order. An LED disco ball sits on the Party Amp turns your room into party central!
With colourful LEDs and unbeatable sounds, buy the LED Party Amp at The Glow . Include third- party content. This document lists analytics vendors that have built-in configurations for use with the amp -analytics component. To send analytics data to a third- party vendor:.
AmpMe lets you sync and play the same music simultaneously across multiple devices.
Looking for a beautiful, unique place for your next party or special event? AMP is available to rent several nights. Listen to all your favourite music and get in the social spirit with this party amp featuring a built-in disco ball. Continue reading