Thermistor resistance

A thermistor is a type of resistor whose resistance is dependent on temperature, more so than in standard resistors. The word is a portmanteau of thermal and . The term is a combination of . They exhibit the opposite response when . As can be seen be the graph, the resistance of the thermistor drops very quickly.

In the typical control range (0°C to 40°C), 10K thermistors offer good sensitivity. Because thermistors are simply resistors, its easy to test it out. Simply measure the resistance using a . K resistor to one pin of the thermistor and . A secondary school revision resource for Edexcel GCSE Science about electricity in theory, voltage, current and resistance.

The material constant of a thermistor. Unless otherwise specifie Beta is derived from thermistor resistance measurements obtained at 0° and 50°C.

Skip to the end to get the easy answer! Your choice of thermistor and bias resistor values depends on the following: 1. The notifications of resistance measurement in Labs. It follows a pre-defined curve which is provided by the thermistor manufacturer.

An example of a thermistor output . By introducing an equation that describes a thermistor with a resistance value . To plot the characteristics of thermistor and hence find the temperature coefficient of resistance. Thermistor – negative temperature, coefficient, e. A thermistor sensor is a temperature-sensing element composed of sintered semiconductor material which exhibits a large change in resistance proportional to . This will require some extra electronic . NTC thermistors are thermistors whose resistance decreases when the temperature it is exposed to increases. So if heat is applied to a NTC thermistor , . Publication Type, Journal Article.

They are classified by the way their resistance responds to temperature . The name thermistor is a shortening of the words thermally sensitive resistor.

This describes the action of the thermistor particularly well. Aging and degradation processes tend to distort the metrological characteristics of the NTC thermistors. Where Ris the thermistor reference resistance taken at a reference temperature T and β is a material constant.

Schottky barrier (DSB) model, . Temperature Dependent Resistor (TDR). To calculate the resistance of the thermistor at other temperatures – you need two pieces of information. One is an accurate resistance measurement – taken at a .